Monday, September 12, 2011

at the shore

This past weekend, we took the boys out of school a tad early Friday and headed east.  Southeast to be exact.  I've been craving some sand in my toes and some salty sea air for months. Then last week, we had a six day stretch of torrential rains we thought would never end. Little did we know back when we planned this weekend beach excursion months ago, it would be perfect timing taking us out of the monsoons here and into the sun and breezes there.

My old friend Jay has a family beach house on the barrier island of Chincoteague, VA.  He and his two kids, and we and our two, met up for a weekend of fun in the sun.  I've known Jay since we were 13.  We grew up in the same neighborhood, attended the same college, and spent many weekends at the beach house with all of our friends doing what college kids do.  You know, beer pong, and the usual assortment of ridiculous drinking games. 

We got to spend a good chunk of Saturday at the beach, which is on the Asateague National Seashore.  On the ride back to the house, we even got a peek at the famous wild island ponies.

A great weekend with a good friend.  Thanks Jay!

Only at the beach can you get clams for $3.99 a dozen, and shrimp for $8.99 a lb.

The only downfall of beautiful, charming Chincoteague is the mosquitoes. This time of year, particularly, they are absolutely ferocious.  As in, you get out of your car and run as fast as you can into the house.  You don't sit on a patio unless its screened in.  You buy Off by the case.   These mosquitoes are so big, when you kill one it makes a sound as it hits the counter.  They have stripes.  That you can clearly see.  In other words, I suspected going into this weekend we'd all come home with a case of the itchies.    But, it was well worth it to dig for sand crabs, ride some waves and lick some soft serve at Mr. Whippy's!

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

Stripes you can see! Fabulous!