Saturday, December 3, 2011

Merry Christmas to Us

We've had a nice year, without having to tap into our 2010 tax refund to cover any unforeseen disasters.   We had a nice enough microsuede couch and loveseat before, buts it was coming up on about 9 years old and we've been wanting leather for the longest time.  We also had a recliner in our family that was getting really worn and needed to be retired to the Man Cave in the basement.  So, we decided to buy ourselves the family room furniture we've always wanted and finish the revamp of our family room that started last winter.

So we started shopping a few weeks ago until we found what we wanted.  It was delivered this week, starting on Wednesday.  Of course, as these things go, it turned into a fiasco when one half of the sectional was torn and had to go back to the warehouse.  Cursing. Two days later the replacement half arrived, but it was the exact half we already had.  Back again.  More cursing.  Now today, the correct half arrived, undamaged and ready to complete the room.

Our family room is topsy turvy right now with the Christmas tree where we normally have another chair and a half, and ottoman (which is temporarily in my office until after the tree comes down).  But these photos at least give a feel for what the new stuff looks like and how it all jives with the entertainment center we got ourselves for Christmas last year. 

Its taken almost 9 years since we moved into this house, but we finally have the family room we've always wanted.  Comfy, everyone can put their feet up, we can seat a lot of people and be cozy. 

Merry Christmas to us!

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